2002 - Electromagnetism - Gerald Pollack and Daniel Stump - Addison Wesley

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2002 - Electromagnetism - Gerald Pollack and Daniel Stump - Addison Wesley

This is a handful book of physics, electromagnetism, presented to you by SPE, scientific pdf ebooks. The autor's preface explains  how to use it to get the most benefice from it.

This is an intermediate level textbook on electricity and magnetism. It is intended to be used for a 2 or a 1 semester course for students of physics, engeneering, mathematics and other sciences, who have already had a 1 year introductory physics course with calculus.

The book is flexible enough to be used in severak ways:

1-The traditional 2 semester course would cover electrostatics and magnetostatics in the first semester using chapters 1 to 8; and then magnetic material and time dependent fields in the second semester using chapters 9 to 15.

2- An instructor teaching a 1 semester course could cover all the basic principles of electomagnetism by using chapters1 to 3 and 6 to 11; there might also be time for a few examples from chapters 4 -5.

3- An interesting alternative approch in a 2 semester course would be to go over the basic principles of chapters 1 to 3 and 6 to 11 in the first semester, and then applications and advanced topics in the second semester based on chapters 4,5 and 12 to 15.

How to study this book

In learning a new subject, especially one with a lot of mathematical cpntent, it's a good idea to take it in small increments. In this book, we've tried to limit the ideas/page, i.e., the idea density, to a value for which 3 to 5 pages per learning session is about right. It's good practice to read the material before going to class. This first reading can be casual, without paper and pencil. Then the instructor's presentation will be more understandable. But then it is necessary to reread the material, this time slowly and carefully with paper and pencil at hand. 

Try to fill in the intermediate steps in the calculations. When you get mired down, which is inevitable in theoretical physics, don't spend an inordinate amount of time struggling with a particular step. Pick up the argument wherever you can and go on.

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2002 - Electromagnetism - Gerald Pollack and Daniel Stump

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Keywords: physics, electromagnetism, english ebooks,

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