2008 - Leonhard Euler - His Life - the Man and His Works

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2008 - Leonhard Euler - His Life - the Man and His Works

For his genius and contributions in mathematics, SPE, Scientific Pdf  Ebooks, presents this article about Euler.


On the occasion of the 300th day of remembrance (on April 15, 2007) of Euler’s birth, an attempt is made to bring Euler’s genius to the eye of a broad section of the educated public. 

The 3 stations of his life — Basel, St. Petersburg and Berlin — are sketched and the principal works known in additional or less written account order. To convey a flavor of his work andits impact on fashionable science, many of Euler’s unforgettable contributions are hand-picked and discussed in detail. Remarks on Euler’s temperament, intellect, and craftsmanship roundout the presentation.

 It is a nearly not possible task to try and do justice, in a very narrow span of space and time, to the nice genius of mathematician. All we will do, during this lecture, is to go across some glimpses of Euler’s improbably voluminous and numerous work, which these days fills seventy four huge volumes of the Opera omnia (with 2 a lot of to come). Nine extra volumes of correspondence are planned and have already appeared in part, and concerning 7 volumes of notebooks and diaries still wait editing!

Section 2 begins with a short story of Euler’s life, covering the 3 stations of his life: urban center, St. Petersburg Campaign (twice), and Berlin.  In section 3, we tend to establish some of Euler’s principal works and check out to smell some characteristic specificities of his work by describing in more additional detail many of his so numerous prolific contributions.

Conclusion comes in section 4 with remarks on Euler’s personality and brain, as recupered from testimonials of his contemporaries, and on the quality of his works. Section 5 is reserved to a list of more informations for additional reading.

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2008 - Leonhard Euler - His Life - the Man and His Works

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Keywords: science, euler, maths, SIAM 2008

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