2005 - Functions Of A Complex Variable - Theory And Technique


2005 - Functions Of A Complex Variable - Theory And Technique

This book from SPE, scientific pdf ebooks, concerns the complex analysis, a large part of maths.

Author has chosen to introduce it like this :In addition to being a bountied branch of maths in its own right, theory of functions of a complex variable underlies an outsized range of tremendously powerful techniques which realize their application not solely in different branches of mathematics but additionally within the sciences and in engineering. 

Chapters 1, 2, and 5 give in short the classical aspects of the theory of functions of complex variable; the remainder of the book is dedicated to a detailed account of varied techniques and therefore the ideas from which they evolve. Several of the illustrative examples area unit phrased in terms of the physical contexts within which they might arise; but, we've tried to be consistent in including a statement of every drawback to be discussed.For the acquisition of ability within the use of those techniques, practice is even additional vital than instruction.

Consequently, we have inserted several exercises, together with some that are essential components of the text. The reader who can't hold out a considerable range of those exercises have uncomprehensible much of the worth of this book. 

Each chapter divides specific topical things, but many readers do realize it is profitable to review selected parts of chapters 3 to 7 as they encounter the connected underlying theory in Chapter 2.

We hope that through our presentation the readers are going to be able to differentiate complex - function theory, to recognize its power and acquire ability in its use.

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2005 - Functions Of Complex Variable - Theory And Tech. - Siam

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Keywords: maths, complex analysis, english ebooks

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