Collection of Statistics and Probability pdf ebooks

Collection of Statistics and probability pdf ebooks for free

Collection of Statistics and Probability pdf ebooks

Another collection of scientific ebooks pdf to download for free. We are delighted to present it to you hoping you will benefit from it. This time we brought ebooks about statistics and probability. Many scientific pdf ebooks and collections to download for free. Stay tuned!

Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter cette nouvelle collection de pdf ebooks scientifiques à télécharger gratuitement. Nous espérons que vous appréciez ces articles. Bonne lecture!

Titres des 10 ebooks / Titles of the ten ebooks to download for free

2009 - Random variables - Variables aléatoires - Tome 1

  • Introduction
  • Some theory and results
  • Introduction and simple examples
  • Frequencies and distribution functions in 1 and 2 dimension s
  • Generalities of functions of random variables
  • Famous inequalities on two random variables
  • Functions of 1 and 2 random variables 
  • Means and moments of different orders
  • Special cases of mean and variance
  • Index
2009 - Random variables - Variables aléatoires - Tome 2
2014 - Random variables - Variables aléatoires - Tome 3
2013 - Applied Statistics - Statistiques Appliquées
2014 - Continuous Distributions - Distributions Continues
2018 - Descriptive Statistics - Statistique Descriptive
2014 - Discrete Distributions - Distributions discrètes
2018 - Inferential Statistics - Statistique Inférentielle

Collection of Statistics and probability pdf ebooks for free - SPE
2009 - Introduction to Probability - Introduction aux probabilités
2016 - Understanding Statistics - Comprendre la Statistique

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Keywords: maths, probability, statistics, random variables, distributions

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Collection of Statistics and Probability pdf ebooks for free

Collection of Statistics and probability pdf ebooks for free
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